Planning Applications

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December 2021:  : 21/04094/FUL: Land North East Of Cornwell Hill Farm Cottage Worcester Road Chipping Norton Oxfordshire, Change of use of land from agricultural to provide a seasonal outdoor cafe with associated car parking and facilities for a temporary period of three years. SPC no comments. 

July 2021: 21/01789/HHD: Cottages Larches Farm, Salford: Alterations and extension to barn to include the creation of new openings in the north and west elevations and the erection of a canopy to the west elevation to provide additional holiday let accommodation.  SPC objected on the grounds of ; increase in traffic, reduction in privacy for 5 neighbouring properties and impact on the already overloaded sewage system.  WODC approval 22.07.21.

May 2021: 21/01017/HHD: Ms Zia Tully, Wayside, Salford: Single storey rear extension with external and internal alterations. SPC expressed concern regarding the impact on privacy of neighbouring properties.   WODC Approval 08.06.21

May 2021: 20/01964/CM (MW.0047/21) from Oxfordshire County Council: Rollright Quarry, Little Rollright, Chipping Norton: S.73 application to continue development permitted at Rollright Quarry under permission 20/01964/CM (MW.0063/20) with complying with condition 10, to enable a temporary increase in HGV movements from the phase 1 (C115 road) access until 31st December 2021. SPC objected on the grounds of visibility, state of the roads and the increase in traffic levels as a result of the increase in visitors to Rollright Stones.  Consultation Complete.  

March 2021: 21/00365/FUL: Mr James Thomas, Cornwell Hill Farm Cottage: Change of use of land from agricultural to provide a takeaway cafe with associated facilities.  SPC no comments.  Application withdrawn 31.08.21. 

January 2021: 20/03352/HHD: Mr N Fawdry, Brick House: Rebuilding of former stable block to use as annex to main dwelling (previously approved 18/02956/HHD) : SPC no comments other than that the proposed rebuild should remain part of the curtilage of Brick House.  WODC approval 28.1.21


November 2020 : 20/02907/HHD:  Bell House, Mr Ian Williams : Erection of a rear first floor extension:  Salford Parish Council no comments.  WODC approval 5.1.21.

 October 2020:  MW.1015/20 (from Oxfordshire County Council): Rollright Quarry: Planning application by Johnston Quarry Group: Section 73 application to continue the mineral extraction development permitted under permission 20/00079/CM (MW.0001/20) without complying with condition 10, to enable an increase in HGV movements from the phase 1 (C115 road) access at Rollright Quarry, Little Rollright, Chipping Norton, OX7 5QB. SPC expressed the same concerns as in MW.1048/18.

October 2020:  MW.0148/18 (from Oxfordshire County Council): Rollright Quarry: This application refers to the one in January 2019, with regard to road widening and improvement of access to take account of the increased movement of HGVs.  Salford Parish Council made the same objections, adding concerns about the increase of other traffic, the state of the road, and the unsuitability of 114 HGVs per day going along the C70 and C115 roads.

 June 2020: MW.0064/20: Application by Smith & Sons (Bletchington) Ltd: Section 73 application to vary conditions 3 and 4 of application 07/1461/P/CM (MW.020/07) for construction of a new entrance and access road on land adjacent to Phase 2 of Rollright Quarry.  SPC - no comments.

May 2020:  /20/01214/HHD: Application by Mr and Ms Lake and Apthorp, Elms Farmhouse:  Erection of single storey rear extension, internal alterations and addition of two new dormer windows to roof on the rear elevation. SPC - no comment.  Approved by WODC 2.7.20.

May 2020: 20/00927/HHD: Application by Mr J. Bloor Salford Manor Estate: Alterations to block up existing first floor window in West (side) elevation.  SPC - no comments. .WODC approval 12.6.20


 April 2019: 19/00956/HHD:  Application by Ms and Mr Apthorp, Elms Farm, Upper End: erection of single storey rear extension including a glazed link from house to existing garage.  Addition of dormer window to roof on the rear elevation.  At their meeting on 14 May Salford Parish Council had no concerns.

January 2019: 19/00008/HHD: Application by Mr and Mrs Stevens, Extension to form annexe. Salford Parish Council has no concerns. Approved Feb 2019.

January 2019:  MW.0149/18 (from Oxfordshire County Council): Planning application by Johnston Quarry Group The Estate Office, Quarry Farm, Banbury Road, Great Tew, Chipping Norton, OX7 4BT for planning permission: To continue the development permitted under permission 07/1777/P/CM without complying with conditions 1 and 10, to increase the number of HGV movements via the access onto the C115 highway and to bring forward planned restoration to 31 December 2030 at Rollright Quarry, Little Rollright, Chipping Norton.  Salford Parish Council expressed concerns, as before, about increasing HGV movements along this road which is narrow and dangerous and unsuitable for this purpose.


December 2018: 18/03377/FUL: Application from Ms L Brunton-Reed. Demolition of existing bungalow and outbuildings. Erection of a new dwelling with detached garage and garden room. Salford Parish Council have concerns and have requested referral to the Planning Committee.  Details of these concerns are available on the WODC website (see above).  Revised plans submitted January 2019, about which the Parish Council continue to have reservations.  They have therefore requested that the application should continue to be referred to the WODC Planning Committee. New amended version approved Feb 2019.

December 2018: 18/02956/HHD: Application from Mr Nigel Fawdry, Conversion of existing stable block to create an annexe.  Salford Parish Council: no comments apart from stipulating that the new annexe should remain part of the curtilage of Brick House and not have a separate identity in the future. Approved Jan 2019.

January 2018: 17/04128/FUL : Application from Mr John Bloor, Erection of agricultural barn with associated access and area of hardstanding within pastoral field. Provision of mitigation measures in the form of native woodland.  Salford Parish Council has expressed concern about the size of this proposed development and its visual impact on the surrounding countryside, and requested consideration by the WODC Planning Committee.  WODC approval March 2018.